Bad Vintage Foreign Sci-Fi Double Feature
Addison until 3:00 AM

Presented by:
Public Domain

We've all seen them. Bad vintage sci-fi films that have expired into the public domain; or pretty much started out there to begin with. Films so non-mainstream that they leave a lasting impression with you. So bad in fact that the only way you can reconcile having watched them is to force your best friend to sit through it, too! (Even if it means having to see it again, yourself.) At All-Con we're pleased to bring you not just one, but two such films back-to-back. One is a returning favorite, previously banned from All-Con due to how difficult it is to sit through without 20 of your closest friends, and the other is a brand new (old) find for 2013. When midnight rolls around and you just aren't ready to end your day, this is the place to be.