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ALL-CON Games and Theory

Out of One, Many. The opposite of ''E Plurbus Unum'' (Ex Uno Multis?) would seem to apply to ALL-CON Games and Theory, your annual game shows track given that in 2005 there was but one Game Show! Then content became track and track became full blown department and the rest is history! Every year the fine producers of Games and Theory pack ''Your Favorite Con'' with dozens of your favorite game shows! This year will be no different with lots of fun and lively opportunities to enjoy the show or participate as a contestant! Check out the excitement in Lantana 1 all weekend long... and be sure to arrive early if you want to get in on the contestant selection.


FRI 8:00 PM: JediCole Universe Live! (45 mins.)

Room: ONYX (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: ALL-CON Games and Theory

Speaking: Cole ''JediCole'' Houston

JediCole returns to The JediCole Universe for another year and you are invited to join him! Be a part of ALL-CON's second-longest-running talk show (of four in 21 years*) with all of the timeless antics you have come to expect. This, because you have come to expect that JediCole won't have time to come up with any genuinely new material in time for 2025!

Audience participation is the order of the day as your host and his to-be-announced guests invite you to play along with such features as ''It Came From the Dollar (and a Quarter) Store!,'' the return of ''What Would Comic Book Villains Do?', and the inevitable game show, ''You Can't Win!'' Plus there is that whole challenge to eat some oddball dollar store find along with Cole and friends.

*Fandom at Random DFW, JediCole's Morning After, The JediCole Universe Live, JediCole's Insomnia (in order of first and/or last ALL-CON appearance).

Category: Discussion

SAT 7:00 PM: Someday Monkey Not Play Piano Song (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Teen

Produced By: ALL-CON Games and Theory

Speaking: Cole ''JediCole'' Houston; Becca Thomas; Zach Schrotter; Dean Phillips; Jason the X; Shawn Padilla

With a title like this, it's got to be something unusual!

Cole ''JediCole'' Houston delves into an aspect of popular culture that is decidedly not his forte - music!

Cole hosts this lively panel which will feature members of Games and Theory as well as some familiar faces at ALL-CON on a journey through music and lyrics and what we sometimes hear and hear incorrectly. From the obvious, like your odd ''One Ton Tomatoes'' and ''Bathrooms on the Right'' to more obscure and decidedly personal anecdotes on lyrics that sounded like something wholly other to tales of fun encounters with popular songs.

The hand-picked panelists will ''play it by ear'' in an interactive exploration of decades of popular music that affords the audience a chance to get in on thact. No singing required!

Category: Game Show

SUN 11:00 AM: The Fault in Our Star Wars (45 mins.)

Room: QUARTZ (Lincoln, Upper) Rated: Everyone

Produced By: ALL-CON Games and Theory

Speaking: Cole ''JediCole'' Houston

Show me on the Death Star where Star Wars hurt you...

The one thing all Star Wars fans have in common is disappointment. Not overall disdain for the cultural juggernaut that is ''The Star Wars'', bur rather point where the Saga let us down. Even the most loyal aficionado of George Lucas' cultural phenomenon has been put off to some degree by one or more of the franchise's movies and television shows. With so much to love there is often a little bit to hate.

Cole ''JediCole'' Houston expands on one of his favorite episodes of his past podcast, ''The Rantcor Pit Live'' in a panel that explores his personal journey as a Star Wars fan from that fateful summer of 1977 through the present day. While the Disney era is often the target of fan-boy disdain, expect a more even-handed approach to revelations of the times that Star Wars fell just a bit flat from the 80s through today.

Special surprise guests will be joining the panel and will be announced as they are confirmed.

Category: Game Show



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